How It Works





Spirit Healing Services


Just like a Reiki Healer I will be connecting The Universe (Rei) to your energy field (Ki).  The difference is I can do this remotely from anywhere using the power of quantum entanglement.

In order to find your energy field in the quantum realm I will need a recent picture of you in which I can see into your eyes.

You may have heard that eyes are the windows to the soul and that would be right.  I will be able to see your unique energy signature that no-one else in the universe has, and with your name and your permission I can then make a connection.  

You might think this sounds just like the process of logging in and that's right.  This is just like me logging into your operating system with your permission, and making the changes that you have requested.  Energy Healers are able to access the system behind the scenes on your behalf which we then use to make a connection between The Divine Universe and You.

So in a nutshell, the aim of Reiki and Energy Healing is to connect the energy of The Divine Universe to your personal energy field.

Once that connection is made the healing can begin.  The Energy Healer will then work with The Divine Universe, as her instrument, to make whatever changes are needed to your energy field and this will allow your body to heal itself and return to it's normal state.

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Spirit Healing Services


Some energy healers need you to be lying down and ready to receive the healing at the same Earth time that they are working on you, but this isn't necessary when I will be working outside of time and space, in the quantum realm.  It doesn't matter what time I do the healing, or where I am in The Universe.  Once I've done the work, it's there in the quantum realm ready to be manifested or delivered to your body on Earth at any time you like!

It will follow you to wherever you are in The Universe using the power of quantum entanglement or what Einstein called "Spooky action at a distance".  This means you don't need to make a definite appointment at a certain Earth time to receive your healing! 

In this fast paced world not everyone has the time for appointments anyway and it would be like going to the dentist or to an operation, because you'd have to attend at your appointment time and lie down for maybe up to an hour, with the feelings of being operated on, which may or may not be enjoyable to you.

Timed Delivery

I can still offer this traditional method for you and I'll call it Timed Delivery.  With Timed Delivery the healing is delivered at a specific time directly to your location.  Ideally you will be lying down in a peaceful, comfortable place for as long as the healing takes, which could be anything from 15 minutes to an hour, sometimes more.  You may fall asleep afterwards while your body resets itself.  During the healing you may feel warmth or coldness or even slight sea-sickness as your energy is cleansed.

Smart Delivery

In this quantum age however you can avoid appointments by choosing Smart Delivery.  With Smart Delivery the healing is delivered when you are free.  We don't have to set a time or make any kind of appointment.  The healing will simply be delivered when you are in a safe and comfortable position, such as while you are asleep or meditating.  This is just like getting an update on a device while it is in sleep mode and you are not using it.  The system will prioritise your comfort and safety and will continue to work until your healing update has been completely installed, with absolutely no work required from you whatsoever.  You can see why I call it Smart Delivery!

Once you have booked your healing you only need to send me your name, email, picture and whether you'd like Timed or Smart Delivery.

After that you'll hear from me to confirm the healing is on it's way to you, or to arrange an appointment for Timed Delivery if that was your choice.

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Spirit Healing Services


Energy Healing provides a deep level of cleansing that your body may not have experienced before.  This means you may find your body will go ahead and remove any dead cells or unwanted baggage. 


Some clients find themselves going to the loo much more than usual or crying out some old emotions and this is completely fine and normal.  Some people are carrying decades worth of baggage in their bodies and the release of this past trauma allows your body to function as normal again.  Once your energy field is cleansed, your body will also cleanse.  As above, so below!

Your new energy configuration permeates down from above into your emotional and physical bodies however for a short while our bodies and brains still retain some memories of our past configurations.  As your body recalibrates to the new configuration you may occasionally feel echoes of the old patterns but this does not mean that the healing hasn't worked.  Your body is simply purging the old patterns and making way for the new ones.

Body Memory

I say to clients that if they sometimes feel a memory of their old affliction, they can remind themselves that it's just an echo of that old affliction they used to have as it works its way out of the body to be gone forever.  Many clients go on to completely forget about the old affliction and continue their lives as if it never happened, in some cases even forgetting they went to an Energy Healer!

Multiple Sessions Included If Required

In cases of multiple afflictions it may be best to do multiple sessions and in some deeper cases a client may need further work if their problems are deeply buried.  Everyone is different so I include any other times I might have to go in to work on your energy field as part of the service, for up to 30 days after your original session.  That way we can both be sure that a thorough job has been done.

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Spirit Healing Services


Sometimes the problems in our body are caused by our environment such as stressful work or home conditions or unhealthy food or drink and negative energy can build up again and cause an affliction to return.  Our personal attitude to life as it unfolds around us also plays a big role as to whether we start to build up negative energy again.  

If we choose not to change the factors causing our problems it's quite alright to book another healing, in the same way you'd book another session with a chiropractor or dental hygienist.  You may find you benefit from a regular session every 3, 6 or 12 months.  No-one knows your body better than You!

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If you feel your life is constantly giving you negative energy and you'd rather learn how to deal with it yourself, then I am happy to teach you by way of Spiritual Counselling, another service offered here for you.  You can learn what's known as inner alchemy which means you will be able to deal with anything negative by transmuting it into positive.  Negative energies just won't stick to you any more and you'll be able to enjoy a far better quality of life. 

Spiritual Counselling

Spirit Healing Services

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